Hi, I’m Josh.
I like to have long, thoughtful, deep conversations with experts on topics I’m most interested in. These are those conversations; enjoy.
Ep.001 Alexandr Dumchenkov
Born in Kaliningrad Russia, Alex moved to the United States in 1998 and joined the Marine Corps in 2006. He was part of the 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines Division in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I met Alex on a week-long psychedelic retreat for veterans.
Ep.002 Jared Rinehart
John Macaskill is a retired Navy SEAL turned mindfulness and meditation coach expert. He is also the co-host of his own podcast called Men talking Mindfulness.
Ep.003 Faye Chen
Faye Chen is an Army veteran, a Warrior-Scholar Project (WSP) alumna, and a TCM physician in training. She is an advocate of holistic self-healing for everyone. With a background in Qigong, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and medicinal plants, she believes that introducing a daily Qi practice into your life can bring calm, clarity, and harmony to your external world. I met Faye on a week-long psychedelic retreat for veterans.